04 February 2009

good eating

I've had really good eating habits for a while now and it feels great!!
I have never been a breakfast eater, ever!
But, lately, I have been eating breakfast and it has been interesting. 
I start each day off with coffee and water. Then hours later I'll have my breakfast of:

fresh dark berries with greek yogurt
(i vary the berries by which ones look best or are on sale at the market)
For lunch I've been eating all live foods in the form of salads (we have to come up with a new name....I think the word salad does not bring to mind what I am eating!). 
This salad is mostly organic:
mixed greens & herbs, grape tomatoes, avocado and a smidge of blue cheese.
Dinner was super simple. 
I made a whole mess of Mustard Greens! Yum!!
I just steamed them up with 3 cloves of garlic, olive oil, salt and water.
(While I love garlic, it's the flavour of it, I like not so much eating the garlic itself.)

It always fascinates me how much a HUGE bag of greens cooks down to!

All steamed up and ready to eat!!
I did make some Basmati rice to go with the greens!
A healthy day of eating if I do say so myself!

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